An abrasive wheel is formed when abrasive particles are bonded together with various binders. They are very cutting. They are often used in the metal industry. Outside the metal industry, they are used in the glass and ceramic industries.
Abrasive thickness must be taken into consideration. Abrasive thickness is expressed in numbers such as 60, 80, 100. The larger the number, the smaller the sanding thickness. If there is only plaster on the wall and the top coat of satin plaster has not yet been applied, you should prefer coarse sandpaper. Grits 40 and 60 will be sufficient for this process.
Abrasive wheels are cutting tools consisting of abrasive grains bonded together with organic or inorganic binders. It is widely used in the metal industry, from rough machining of castings and welds to the most delicate grinding of foil rolls.